In 2018 alone Keep Tahoe Blue volunteers picked up over 2,500 pounds of trash. But we think even more can be done to protect Lake Tahoe from harmful trash in 2019. That’s why we are rolling out the #trashtag #keeptahoeblue challenge.
Don’t know what #trashtag is? It’s a viral movement that gained trash-ion (traction) when a teen invited social media users to take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance, then take a photo after something had been about it. Social media users were soon collecting every piece of refuse they could find and posting the results. Soon, the #trashtag hashtag was trending and just like that an environmental movement was born.
Get involved by finding a spot in Tahoe in need of cleaning, post a clean up shot on social media using the hashtags #keeptahoeblue #trashtag, and receive 15 percent off our merchandise on the phone or in store orders! You deserve a reward for helping us Keep Tahoe Blue and we all deserve to enjoy a beautiful, blue Lake Tahoe.