Tahoe in the News

Drink Tahoe Tap map shows water refill stations in Tahoe

Sierra Sun
November 24, 2023

TAHOE CITY, Calf. – In preparation for the single-use plastic bottle ban South Lake Tahoe will implement in 2024, Take Care Tahoe has released a new Drink Tahoe Tap Map that lists locations where people can freely fill up their reusable water bottles. Local businesses and recreation areas that have joined the initiative are helping with the transition away from plastic bottles by making their refill stations available to the public…

The new ban in South Lake Tahoe aims to curb the use of single-use plastic water bottles and promote the consumption of high-quality tap water. Single-use plastic bottles are one of Tahoe’s most common types of litter, as evidenced by a decade’s worth of cleanup data gathered by the League to Save Lake Tahoe. In response, city leaders enacted an ordinance that prohibits the retail sale or distribution of any single-use plastic bottled water under one gallon….

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