Improving transportation to combat pollution
The League has recognized the traffic- and pollution-reducing potential of microtransit for several years. Beyond launching our own pilot program in 2018 and funding TART Connect in 2021, the League’s policy team was instrumental in bringing this transportation option to the south shore.
The League successfully advocated for a reliable and significant source of funding that helped create the Lake Link – the south shore’s version of TART Connect. Our policy and planning experts were heavily engaged in the planning and permitting process for the Tahoe South Event Center. As a condition of approval for the project, we secured financial support for both microtransit and managed parking, which will help reduce private car trips and pollution.

Cave Rock. Photo: Beau Rogers, Flickr CC
We also worked through the South Shore Transportation Management Association to recruit funding from numerous private partners, create an administrative structure to get the program up and running, coordinate with the shuttle operator, secure the necessary government approvals, identify a program manager, and we made a significant financial contribution to support the service. Today, we’re happy to share that this Lake-friendly transportation option is being delivered as the result of collaboration between nearly two dozen partners, administered by the South Shore Transportation Management Association.
With Lake Link’s foundation in place, we’re now working to secure new funding to expand the service area, add more vans, and electrify the fleet so it’s emissions-free.