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Tahoe Blue Business Program

Blue Businesses are leaders in the community that understand what’s best for Lake Tahoe is also what’s best for their business and employees

Tahoe Blue Business Program

It takes the whole community to Keep Tahoe Blue, which is why we’re excited to partner with values-aligned businesses throughout the Tahoe Basin and beyond. Our Blue Business Program gives businesses the opportunity to serve the Tahoe community and uplift the good work they are doing to protect the Lake.

We help businesses teach their customers how to care for Lake Tahoe and be an example for other businesses in and outside of the Tahoe Basin. Our partners walk the talk, and we’re delighted to highlight their hard work using our globally recognized brand.


There are many ways to contribute to the Keep Tahoe Blue mission within these categories. Our partnership program was created with flexibility in mind to ensure a mutually beneficial and worthwhile partnership. Since each business is different, the ways they help will be different, too. We are excited to create a symbiotic partnership based on your business’s unique strengths and goals.

Learn more about our Tahoe Blue Business Hotel and Resorts program.

Tahoe receives more visitors than any national park and is recognized as a global destination for recreation, vacation, and world travel. For this reason, partnering with hotels and resorts in the Tahoe Basin is a high priority for the League. These partnerships give us the opportunity to share the Keep Tahoe Blue message with the 15 million visitors who enjoy Lake Tahoe each year.  By becoming a Blue Business, your hotel or resort can lead your guests to a Lake-friendly vacation and Keep Tahoe Blue.

Ready to be a Tahoe Blue Business? Connect with us and learn how, together, we can build a sustainable future and make sure Tahoe doesn’t get loved to death.