Keep Tahoe Blue Schools

Keep Tahoe Blue Schools

Keep Tahoe Blue Schools is the League’s youth education program to create the next generation of Lake Tahoe environmental stewards.

Our team provides project-based learning and hands-on skills development workshops to local and visiting students, from elementary to college, by connecting them with the Tahoe environment. Through Blue Schools’ place-based educational model, we seek to foster a lifelong sense of appreciation, respect and responsibility for Lake Tahoe.

Keep Tahoe Blue Schools partners with local organizations and agencies, provides educators with lessons, and hosts environmental science experiences virtually and on field trips.

Keep Tahoe Blue Schools class field trip. - education

Are you a teacher interested in providing Keep Tahoe Blue Schools lessons to your students?

Keep Tahoe Blue Schools virtual science lesson - education

Are you a parent or educator looking for a virtual lesson that you can use on-demand?

Support our youth education programs.